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A Glamper in the Making.....

IMG_1828 I can check mark off an item on my bucket list. << Restoring a Vintage Camper>>.  It was the fall of 2013 so 2 years ago when I ran the idea past my hubby.  He kind of looked at me like I was crazy {getting used to that} and I took the fact that he didn't exactly say No- & ran with it.  For a couple weeks I had been searching craigslist and none to be found- there was just tons of "Looking for" vintage camper ads.  So I decided to lean on our vintage loving facebook page for help.  That very day I received a lead. As I was jumping up and down with excitement I told my husband that we may become proud owners of  a 1970's Lark.  We drove 3 hours to a small remote town in ND, and as I pulled up my heart started racing and I knew that she had to be mine.  My husband at this time was still not convinced.  It was so cute...okay I we walk inside it was pretty rough....they had done a horrible paint job- and needless to say it was a really weird light green color.  It had cat food scattered everywhere, the cushions were destroyed and the floor was also covered in splattered paint.  But BUT I could see it's potential, everything worked inside like the stove, fridge, etc.  So that was a plus, also as long as the axel was safe it was coming home with us!  I am still pretty my husband was not thrilled with this adventure I was going to put us on, but boy oh boy, did he make one happy wife!  We were now hauling home our very own vintage camper and I couldn't wait to give her a whole new look!camper222


For the first couple months I slowly cleaned her up.  Wiping her down giving her a fresh coat of white paint.  The kids would play restaurant/ house while I covered myself in paint.  This was all I was able to get done as we purchased her late fall and all I could do was stare out my window at her anticipating our first signs of spring.  She was even cute just sitting there during the winter we couldn't resist taking our family Christmas cards with her.   Some may have classified her as an eye sore....but I saw so much more.  Memories in the making and that's just what she did!

EDEN Schiltz 2013-1

For more photos by Elisabeth Eden of the family camper winter session click Here.

Between our busy time of year with The White House Boutique, lake time, and the business of 2 children I was slowly getting things done.  I added new hardware and repainted the chrome.


I am addicted to all things floral so I decided a wall or two needed some Rifle Paper Co. love.  So instead of purchasing a whole roll of wall paper I took an easier route and mod podged sheets of wrapping paper to the step and a cozy little wall by the stove.  It gave it just the right look that I was going for.



After I did all I could was my husbands turn.  He replaced the floor with look a like wood vinyl.  Giving it a whole new fresh look. Fixed the lighting and wiring which was all the inside really needed.  Now it was time for the fun part--The outside!!


It wouldn't have been complete however without the help of family.  My husband's sister Sara and husband Matt were in town with their family visiting us from CO., and during a BBQ one evening we made it a family affair.  While Leon {my father-in-law} was helping putty the dent, and giving our hitch a fresh coat of black paint, Uncle Matt was busy taping off the mint green so I could give her a fresh coat of Ivory.  My trailer was becoming complete and we were already making so many fun memories while even in the process of restoring it!  She was coming together!



She made her first appearance at The Be Crafty event during our farm sale in August.  As she may not be perfect, she is beautiful and she is ours.  The flaws in her represent her memories that she has made, and the many more that are to come.



I had the most ridiculous time trying to decide on her exterior color.  When I researched vintage campers all the colors of the spectrum were so pretty, but for some reason she had to be mint, it just seemed to flow with her interior and the picture I had in my mind.  After replacing her exterior lights, my husband adding a new wood panel to her backside.  She is complete!  We finished her right in the nick of time.  Winter has approached but I can't wait for summer to hit and to put that little memory maker to use!  It was such a fun project to work on together and to see the beginning and end process.  I told my husband that we may need to do another one---I may have got the same crazy look but I didn't get a NO.............



Photo Credit to the talented Simply Rosie Photography


A Farm Sale, Junk, & Sharing Our Passion.....