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{DIY} No Sew Pom Pom Curtains

pompomdiy So there I was taking my weekly stroll in Hobby Lobby when I came across this!!!


Yes my friends. Its pom pom fringe! So I immediately started to think what can I add this to in my house? Chairs? Pillows? CURTAINS? YES CURTAINS! So I went home and did just that. Curtains are expensive and I don't have the budget for really nice ones {especially when I change things up so often}. For example check out these amazing curtains {but with a hefty price tag}

{One below $304}


{One below, Urban Outfitters $69}



So I did my research and found these amazing curtains at Ikea for $10 a pair!!!! {you can't go wrong!}. I ordered them online and they were shipped to me in no time. I love them, they are light, white, and super long {so they drape nicely on the floor}. I washed and ironed them and pulled out my hot glue gun. Yes that is correct, my hot glue gun. I'm not the perfect sewer and don't have really the time or the patience to get all my sewing items out so I opted for my hot glue gun. I put a strip of hot glue on the side of the curtain and pressed my pom pom fringe onto it. And it worked quiet well! Its been a week and my curtains look as beautiful as ever! I love the added look! I think it would be fun to do different color pom poms as well. Whatya think??



Here is another inspirational pom pom curtain to tease you with..........





Simple but Sweet Chalkboard Containers {DIY}

Lampshade Makeover