The White House Co. is Fargo’s one stop shop for modern + vintage rentals & decor. Schedule a Warehouse Tour with us today!

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Mad Hatter Tea Party

Before we made it into the spot light of LIVE TV our Mom told us minutes before that we should wear lipstick.  My sister and I both exchanged looks- went into panic mode- and started laughing that neither of us have ever been true owners of our very own lipstick!  So with that being said we were lipstick-less and nervous as ever to be a part of the Today show with Chris and Andrea on a local TV station along with our good friend Ashley from Unglued sharing our party tips to a crazy mad hatter theme!  Click here for our other "late night" craft parties with Unglued and information about the awesomeness!kvly today show

So you tell us- would lipstick have added to the décor!  If they ever invite us back- we may have to sport some bright pink lipstick and compare!



and Thats a Wrap- Farm Sale {2015}

and Thats a Wrap- Farm Sale {2015}

Farm Sale in Thief River Falls, Minn