You are obviously noticing a trend that we like the NO sew DIY.....don't get me wrong we both own sewing machines & can sew a square pillow form....hahhaha but we do REALLY like our NO sew DIY.....less time consuming and a oh so easy!!
We spotted these adorable little bow ties at Target & also a local pet store for dogs & we had to have one! But I had such a hard time spending $6-$14 on one! {weird I know, but I knew there had to be a cheaper way} I told Betsy that we were going to create our own! So that is exactly what we did!! This is a great project for little fabric scraps you may have laying around! Also it is a great little project to do with your kids {as long as you are the one operating the glue gun} Betsy and I had a blast! After we made a couple we were adding bobby pins to them to use as little boys bow-tie, ADORABLE, and also in a little girls hair! One can seriously have so much fun with these!! Here is what you need to get started:

1. What you need: Fabric {roughly 9 in x 5.5 in} Glue gun glue sticks scissors elastic {if making for a doggie collar} Bobby pin {if making a hair clip or for little boy} Cut out a piece of your fabric so it roughly measures 9x5 inches. Also cut a little extra piece that is about 2 inches long that will be your center of the bow-tie.
2.Start up that glue gun and get prepared to glue!
3.Having the long way facing you fold in half and glue down. {see above picture for reference.
4. Now take the other side and fold down meeting in the middle and tack down with glue.
5. Next step- Once the glue has dried fold either your right or left side in {raw edges are still facing you} and tack the end down in the middle. {see pictre for reference}
6. Now pull the other side overlapping a little and glue down. You are getting so close to being complete!
7. If you pinch the middle you will see your bow tie coming together!!
8.The little piece that you cut out for the middle I glued the sides in so it creates a nice seam!
9.Wrap your extra little piece around bow-tie and glue down in back where your seam is!
PUPPY- If you want to create a bowtie for your puppy follow this step! Glue your elastic in a little circle and now glue that down to your bowtie in back!! {I had elastic that was probably 1/2 thick I even cut that in half so it wasn't so thick, you just need a little piece and it truly needs to be a small circle so it fits snuggly against the collar.} Attach to collar! Such an adorable photo prop! Our Little Charles sports his collar with pride!
HAIR TIE- just slide a bobby pin through the loop in back and you created an adorable hair clip!
BOYS TIE- I cheat and just use the bobby pin trick and slide it on my little boys shirt otherwise you can add an elastic loop large enough to fit over the head {not too small so it's uncomfortable} but just enough so it fits snuggly and tuck it under the collar of a dressy shirt! Adorable!!