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Rarr-alicious Area Rug {DIY}

"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fireCause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar Louder, louder than a lion Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh You’re gonna hear me roar"......-Katie Perry


Hahaha.....this is what was going through my head....okay maybe I was singing it out loud- LOUDLY - as I was cutting my new fab Rug.  I drool over those animal hide rugs.  So pretty they are, and what I love about them is that they can fit into any décor, whether it be shabby chic, rustic, elegant, funky, industrial!  They fit well into an eclectic soul so I think that is why I am drawn to them!  But they come with a hefty price tag!  And with 2 little children running around + an expensive rug = not going to happen!  So I just continued to dream....... UNTIL..........I made my own!


I came across this very rarrish upholstery fabric at a thrift store!  I snagged it up not knowing what I was going to do with it but for some reason she came home with me!  I am a LOVER of animal print!


Here it is Folks: The steps I took into making my very own Animal RUG-

I googled "animal fur rugs" so I could get my inspiration on!  I had to research the shape I was going for. Example below:rugf7

I grabbed my fabric and a sharpie marker!  I flipped it over so I was working on the back of the fabric!  This way I could draw all over it without my mistakes being seen- I am all about trial & error!


I grabbed my scissors and cut out my freshly made animal shape! - I was so excited at this point!  Eeeeek!  I couldn't wait to see the end results!


Okay so now is the part to make it not so slippery! There is actually two options that we are toying with!  The easy route would be adding a no slip rug backing under it- I found some really inexpensive rug backing at IKEA {the best store EVER} which would work to add it under the rug and tack it down in a couple areas with a needle and thread to insure slippage!  Otherwise we thought it would be ubber adorable over a jute rug and again tacked down in a few areas with a needle and thread to ensure it's spot on the floor!!  So excited with the way this turned out!  And to think the grand total was $1.50!  This adorable rug will make it's grand debut at Junk Market in Fargo, ND on May 10th!  Now go get your rarrrr.....on! ** No animals were hurt or harmed in the making of this RUG!




Knitted Yoga Ball {DIY}

No Sew {DIY} Bow tie